AUGUST 2008 - Ixtlán, Oaxaca, Mexico

AGS Bowman Expeditions Conference


APRIL 2008 - Boston, MA

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA


NOVEMBER 2007 - Autonomous University of San Luís Potosí, Mexico

IV International Congress of Territorial Management


American Association of Geographers- Annual Meeting, San Francisco

April 17-21, 2007

Title: Bill Wood Commemorative Session III: The New AGS Bowman Expeditions

Description: The third of three sessions dedicated to the memory of the late William B. Wood, former State Department Geographer/Geographer of the United States. Presenters include colleagues and students from US and foreign universities in a project inspired by Bill's vision of geography and foreign policy. These sessions comprise part of a broader effort to publish a festschrift volume of commemorative essays organized according to themes of geographic research that reflect and honor Bill's lifetime work, achievements, and legacy and include initiatives and innovations inspired by Bill's vision and leadership. The third session discusses the concept, results, and policy implications of Bowman Expeditions that combine GIS, open-source intelligence, and fieldwork to improve geographic understanding of foreign lands and peoples and improve foreign policy making.

Jerome E. Dobson
Peter H. Herlihy

Jerome E. Dobson - University of Kansas
Abstract Title: The New AGS Bowman Expeditions

Peter H. Herlihy, Ph.D. - University of Kansas
Miguel Aguilar-Robledo, Ph.D. - Universidad Autónoma De San Luis Potosí
Abstract Title: The First Bowman Expedition: Methodology and Focus on Indigenous Mexico

Derek A. Smith - Carleton University
Abstract Title: Undoing the Revolution? Regional Patterns and Local Consequences of a National Land Reform Program in Mexico

John H. Kelly - University of Kansas
Abstract Title: Deconstructing PROCEDE Property Maps through Participatory Research Mapping

Aida Ramos Viera - The University of Kansas
Abstract Title: PROCEDE and Indigenous Common use areas in La Huasteca Potosina, Mexico.